Europa Universalis
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Beginning of August 2005 session. Remark Spanish troops in Kurland and in Nice.
ROTW setup for August 2005 session.
Beginning of the Thirty Years War. The Bohemian War went badly because of a very short turn.
Tactical zoom on the Netherlands.
Same, with angle to avoid the flash.
Catholic troops prepared for the TYW.
The Thirty Years War - Swedish episode.
End of Mughal invasions (hopely, for some).
Same, with better light.
Northern American Empires. One mine lost to the Spanish people.
The whole of America. Antilles become crowded.
Glorious Revolution war. Went on rather good for the English player.
England playing a bit of nethack
Advance of Turkey against Poland and Austria.
America is more and more crowded.
...especially in Antilles.
August 2005 session